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Andris Nelsons conducts Wilson, Szymanowski and Copland

Symphony Hall 301 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

The Georgian violinist Lisa Batiashvili joins Andris Nelsons and the BSO as soloist in the important Polish composer Karol Szymanowski's Violin Concerto No. 1, a brilliant piece colored by both French Impressionism and German late Romanticism. American orchestral works open and close the concert. The St. Louis-born Olly Wilson, who died in March 2018 (and […]

2020 National Conference

The University of British Columbia 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Concert of CODA member ensembles

Hope College Orchestra (Christopher Fashun, Director)
Utah State University Symphony Orchestra (Sergio Bernal, Director)
Ball State Symphony Orchestra (Douglas Droste, Director)
Texas Christian University Symphony (German Gutierrez, Director)

Member Presentation

Introducing the Accessible Diverse Orchestral Repertoire Equity
Patrick Reynolds (University of Dayton)
David Tedford (Bloomsburg University)
Chaowen Ting (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Member Presentation

Thematic Programming by College and Community Orchestras:
A New, Exhaustive Database
Delvyn Case, Wheaton College, Massachusetts

Member Presentation

The Pedagogy of Orchestral Bowings
Thomas Taylor Dickey, Oklahoma State University

Lunch break

CODA lobby open

Member Presentation

License and Registration, Please:
An Introduction to Performance Broadcast Copyright and Licensing
Nathaniel F. Parker, Kennesaw State University

Member Presentation

What’s Next for College Orchestra Programs?
Kyle Szabo, Director, Florida Gulf Coast University