CODA is the organization that keeps reminding us every day why we decided to devote ourselves to this challenging but beautiful profession, giving a special meaning to our lives by letting us know that we are not alone.
Ricardo Averbach
Director of Orchestral Studies
Miami University Dept. of Music
National President of CODA
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The College Orchestra Directors Association is a highly valuable resource, a brotherhood of supportive, like-minded conductors and a delightful group of colleagues. We are fortunate to have such a rich organization.
Robert McCashin
Director of Orchestras
James Madison University
Founding President of CODA
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CODA is a long-awaited fraternity of university and college orchestra conductors and educators where we share with each other and support each other without conditions. It is truly a joy and an honor to be associated with such a magnificent organization.
Alexander Jiménez
Associate Professor of Conducting, Director of Orchestras
Florida State University
Past President of CODA
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CODA is our home and our family. It is our chest of resources and support, it is our sanctuary and retreat, a place of joy and comradeship.
Maestro Victor Yampolsky
Music Director
Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra
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CODA is a fine organization because of the efforts of you and all our colleagues. Our trip to TX was a tremendous experience for our students! It was a joy to see them grow as an ensemble – growth only possible due to such travel.
Mitchell Arnold
Director of Orchestral Studies
West Virginia University
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There is also NO other conference where one gets this much good stuff (including food!!!) for so little money. Likewise, there is also no other conference out there where college professors work so nicely and collaboratively together. Many thanks and I look forward to seeing many of you again next year in Cincinnati.
Dr. Hannes Dietrich
Orchestra Director
Lebanon Valley College
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Everything I’ve heard about CODA is true. The people are wonderful, the learning opportunities abundant, and the conference experience inspiring. It was a great shot in the arm for me personally.
Steven Amundson
Orchestra Director
St Olaf College
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Had he been at the conference, Daddy would’ve surely applauded all of you for your talents to help keep the arts…keep music, as a strong, positively impactful part of our lives. I cannot truly express to you the profound gratitude I feel for having had the chance to be amongst you. With great respect and gratitude.
Abby G. Burton
Daughter of Morton Gould
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