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Repertoire Resources (Print & Online)

Based on Timothy Perry’s 2014 national Conference CODA presentation, this page lists books in print that address repertoire ideas, arranged conveniently by category.

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Orchestral music

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Choral/orchestral music

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Music for the theatre and film

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  • The American Musical Film Song Encyclopedia (Thomas S. Hischak)
  • The Disney Song Encyclopedia (Thomas S. Hischak and Mark A. Robinson)
  • Arias, Ensembles, & Choruses: An Excerpt-Finder for Orchestras (John Yaffé and David Daniels) (see footnote on this page)
  • The Rodgers and Hammerstein Encyclopedia (Thomas S. Hischak)

Music for smaller ensemble

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General resources

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    Regarding Arias, Ensembles, & Choruses, the first printing contains an error in the Title Index regarding alphabetizing the titles, whereas the second printing fixes the error. To determine which printing you have, look at p. 471: if the first listed title is “A cette voix,” you have the flawed printing. To acquire a PDF of the corrected Title Index, follow this procedure:

    1. Go to
    2. Click on Enter Site
    3. Click on the AEC link at the top
    4. Click on Download updated AEC Title Index in the left sidebar (click to display it, control-click to download it).

    Alternately you can email David Daniels directly with the subject line: AEC Title Index.