CODA’s Promotion and Tenure Task Force has been created to establish standards to be used across the nation in college level institutions, assisting P & T committees to have a better foundation for the evaluation of candidates for promotion and tenure in this field. The impetus for the creation of this document was inspired by the widespread anecdotal evidence of the CODA membership with the tenure and promotion process stemming from misconceptions of a conductor’s role with research, scholarship, and creative activity. The Promotion and Tenure document to be produced will assist committees in assessing the work of the academic conductor. These guidelines will be designed to be used in conjunction and within each institution’s established set of parameters.
A special thanks to the P&T Committee: Ricardo Averbach- Chair, Robert Baldwin, James Ball, Kevin Bartram, Jeff Bell-Hanson, Robert McCashin, and Kory Kataseanes.
CODA’s goal is to advocate for college conductors by assisting P&T Committees in understanding what the academic orchestral conducting profession sees as the essential criteria for tenure and promotion. Areas addressed include: